Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our first customer

Well, it looks like this blog's name is going to have to change. Two weeks ago we had some friends over for brunch and there was a bird sighting. It was a quick one and the bird didn't eat any of the sunflower seeds set out for it, but it was something.

Then this morning, I'm innocently eating my cereal when I spot this action:

A BIRD! I said in a loud whisper to no one in particular. WAIT THERE! So I quietly ran to grab my camera in case this never happened again.

He (she?) flew away and I noticed all the seeds on the ground. This bird came by to EAT! And here I thought the bird feeder was going to be decorative.

On a high from the bird sighting, I went to check out my Gloxinia and the violets.

Gloxinia is full of more blooms. This one looked particularly grumpy this morning:

One day soon I'll do a post about how you can grow baby plants from violets, but for now I'll just show the pictorial evidence:

Birds and blooms? It's gotta be spring!

P.S. I give my brother or our friend Bob 10 minutes before they identify the little bird in this post. Go!

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