Sunday, March 21, 2010

Birdless in Brooklyn

My brother got us this bird feeder for Christmas and we finally put it up last weekend. For a whole week, this giant tube of sunflower seeds has been hanging on our deck. While hanging it, I wondered how often we would have to fill it. Daily? Bi-weekly? Where do we buy replacement birdseed when this one ran out?

Turns out, we don't. Cause up here, on the 8th floor of an apartment complex in downtown Brooklyn, we haven't had one bird visitor. If you grew up anywhere greener than a parking garage, you are probably as mystified as I am. Where. Are. The. Birds?!

This blog is a space for me to track what it's like trying to grow a garden and bring a little greenery to my life in Brooklyn. It's about urban gardening, urban wildlife and the parks of New York. Away we go!


  1. The good news is... no bird crap all over your lovely patio!

  2. The birds will come! just think-- they have to locate your little bird feeder in the huge city of NY. It's like the hardest Where's Waldo ever-- and they've only got pea-sized brains. I suggest also planting some flashy flowers-- like some sunflowers or bright petunias. This will also help you attract bees/butterflies to pollinate your vegetables. Because, let's face it, without them there's no plant sex which equals no dinner for you!
