Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sugar Peas, you overachieving scoundrels!

So we all know overachievers. I'm one of them. This is probably why I love sugar peas so very much.

Here is how they start:

Sugar peas, 3 days old.

Then they're five days old and start showing leaves:

Then they're standing up straight and tall after six days:

Then they're a week old and growing tendrils:

Tendrils! In a week! I think you can see where this is going. The next step after tendrils is a little something I like to call "GRAB ONTO ANYTHING IN MY PATH." Which is why you can imagine I'd be a little worried when they all grew so big and so fast that they were in each other's way.

Sugar peas, 13 days old.

Sugar peas, reaching tendrils at 13 days old.

So yesterday I went on down to Dig and asked what I could do for my little buddies. The plan is to eventually have them wind their way around our railing, but there's another 27 days til the last frost. By then, they will have grown four times around the apartment and laced us to our cat. Luckily, the answer was easy: repot and give them something to aim for.

This is how I found myself repotting sugar peas at 10pm on a Saturday night. When I picked up their Jiffy pots to carry it over to the counter where the surgery would take place, I noticed something that I had never captured in a photo: ROOTS.

Clearly these guys needed some more space. So I moved them (Jiffy pot and all) into larger Jiffy pots, with the knowledge that they are going to expand in the pot, but the goal for the next four weeks is to keep their tendrils otherwise occupied. The guy at Dig suggested wooden dowels, but I found these pieces of wire in some old pots on our deck and figured they might work out ok.

Excited to see if they start wrapping themselves around the wire, but knowing sugar peas, I'll need to find another solution by this evening. Sugar peas, you scoundrels! *shakes fist at sky*

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