Friday, May 21, 2010

Cucumber spotting!

The cucumber crop has seen better days. I haven't yet planted them in their new outdoor homes, but they've been living on the picnic table for the last week or so. Here they are, looked ragged:

But last night I noticed something happening on one of the plants. Holy moly, it's a spiky cucumber!

So this looks a little too much like a pickle for my tastes (yes, I am a pickle hater), so I am hoping it keeps growing. Grow, little one, grow!

Either way, veggies are on their way!

1 comment:

  1. Cute lil guy! I'm on round three with my cukes. The seedlings just popped up the other day and if I can't make them stick this time I may just go ahead and put something else in that pot.

    Oh and what? I can't believe it--you hate pickles??? I had no idea!
